Az amerikai kutatónő Sarah blogja a vidékfejlesztési kutatásairól

Sara’s blog about the researching rural community development in Balaton-felvidék

I have just passed the halfway mark on my time in Hungary! It is hard to believe that I have learned so much about rural community work here, and at the same time I have learned so little. My focus on how the support of Éltetõ helps local communities thrive, and how the support of the Hungarian government, through grant applications, encourages small and local businesses to grow, paint a picture about the future of communities in this area. I am interested in meeting more people from the Éltetõ community: producers, business owners, and citizens interested in supporting this region. Would you like to tell me about your business and your life in this region? Please contact us, and we can meet. Until then, I am welcoming back the sunlight during this warm winter and hope to see many of you out enjoying the warmth as well!