Az amerikai kutatónő Sarah blogja a vidékfejlesztési kutatásairól

Sara’s blog about the researching rural community development in Balaton-felvidék

While my research focuses on social innovation in the rural areas of Washington State, USA, and here in Veszpreém County, right now I am finding out much more about what happens in Magyarorszag close to Karacsony! My family and I have been lucky enough to visit several Adventi Piacok to see the towns lit up beautifully. We have enjoyed walking around with our neighbors looking at the market booths and enjoying forralt bor and forro csoki. We are looking forward to this weekend in Sumeg with all the festivities, including participating in the “ronda pulcsis” futás.

I have enjoyed meeting many of you at the producer meetings, and learning about different projects you have planned for the coming years. With so many more tourists coming to Hungary this year, and likely in the coming years too, this region does seem poised to host many more visitors. I hope that with the support of this office and the calls for proposals in this cycle many of you will be able to grow and sustain your enterprises.

Boldog Karacsonyt!